Racing Information

VDBC Race Schedule


2024⁄25 Drag Boat Racing Season


2024⁄2025 Season
Date Event Loc Qual Elim Final 2nd Chance Draw
13-4-2025 Race NWSC 10:00 1:30 3:00 After Finals
18-5-2025 Race NWSC 10:00 1:30 3:00 After Finals
Dates above are "To be Advised".
Loc = Location, Qual = Qualifying, Elim = Eliminations, TBA = To Be Arranged.
Lunchtime is around 1pm for Approx 30 minutes.
Drag Boat Race Schedule Notes

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VDBC Drivers Requirements 
  1. All Owners must be a current:
    FRM: Family Racers Membership 2024⁄2025 or SRM: Single Racers Membership 2024⁄2025 or a Life Member of the VDBC Inc.
  2. All Drivers must be a current
    FRM: Family Racers Membership 2024⁄2025 or SRM: Single Racers Membership 2024⁄2025 or a Life Member of the VDBC Inc.
  3. All race crews should be a member
    SRM: Single Racers Membership 2024⁄2025 or be covered by a Family Racers Membership 2024⁄2025.
    ( Highly Recommended ).
  4. You must have a valid current State boating licence at each event
    ( No Licence = No Racing ) No Exceptions.
  5. The vehicle must be registered, a current valid label must be fitted to the vehicle.
    ( No Registration Label fitted = No Racing ) No Exceptions.
  6. Day Medicals are accepted on the day for drag boat racing.
  7. Full Medicals are required for all "Pro Boats".
    ( No Exceptions ).
  8. You must have Ambulance cover and proof must be supplied that it is current and valid.
  9. You must provide Emergency contact details.
  10. You must be prepare to sign the indemnity form for each race event, this now includes all drivers, race boat owners and all crew members.
    ( Indemnity Forms are required ).
  11. You must pay all required fees and any associated costs as nominated by the committee.
  12. Your vehicle must pass scrutineering.
  13. All capsule boats must pass divers inspections
    ( No Exceptions ).
  14. All race boats must have a rope deflector fitted.
    ( No Exceptions ).
  15. All boats and crew must be at the racing venue by 8:00 am each race meeting.
  16. Your nomination of intention to race must be in by 14 days prior to the event to the President or Vice President.
  17. Drivers, Owners and your crews must be present at the drivers briefing scheduled at 9:30 am on each race event
    ( No Attendance = No Racing ) No Exceptions.
  18. All non force induction engines must have water running through exhaust systems to reduce noise levels or they must run some form of silencing system to the exhaust system.
    ( No Zoomie type exhausts allowed on these engines ).
  19. All watercraft must clearly have a Identifiable race number on either side.
  20. You must provide all relevant forms as nominated by the club. so it can keep records as legally required.


Entry Fees


If you wish to race, the entry fee of $150 needs to be deposited into the club's bank account by midnight on the Tuesday before the race event.


A reminder text message including the club's bank details will be sent to all known drivers in the weeks prior to this date.


If you do not receive a text message, please contact Kim Day via E-mail: to register your details with the club.


Any entry payments paid after midnight of the Tuesday before the race event will incur a penalty fee of $20, entry fees paid on race day will also include the late payment fee of $20.


Account Details

Victorian Drag Boat Club
BSB: 633 000
Account Number: 134817790

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VDBC Race Entry Form 


VDBC Race Entry Form - Online Form


VDBC Race Indemnity Form


VDBC Race Indemnity Form - Word Document


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VDBC Boat Classes 
Class Class Name Trophy
TL8 TOP LIMITED Bill Davis, Yella Terra, ET Challenge, Outboard ET
PC9 PRO COMP Bill Davis, Yella Terra, ET Challenge, Outboard ET
SC10 SUPER COMP Bill Davis, Yella Terra, ET Challenge, Outboard ET
SS11 SUPER STOCK Rob Oliver, Outboard ET
MS12 MOD STOCK Rob Oliver, Outboard ET
SE13 STOCK ELIMINATOR Rob Oliver, Outboard ET


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